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Hey all,

Welcome to the new board website! We're now using Invision Community as our new board software.

A few things have changed, and there're a few things you can expect in the coming days:

  • Passwords have been reset due to incompatibilities with the less hashes and the new salted hashes and verifiers (you'll have to recover your password). 
  • Personal pronouns have been reset and changed to be a dropdown (to prevent future abuse).
  • Small theme adjustments are still being made, and improvements are still in the works.
  • Posts have been reformatted for the new software, and minor format adjustments may be made when saving older posts.
  • I'll be experimenting with the use of like buttons for some time.

In terms of immediate improvements, I'd like to announce that:

  • You can now submit client mods in our Downloads section for Conquer Online.
  • The board now uses modern (Twitter style) smilies (and we can add custom ones if you have the files and submit feedback with them attached).
  • A popular servers widget has been added to the home page, sorted by most commented (for now).

I'll be working on new features soon. Thanks for reading and for your generosity (if you helped donate for the upgrade), and I hope you enjoy the new forum!

Spirited & Staff


Looking good! Glad you were able to get things switched over with what appears to be minimal impact. I am looking forward to seeing this community grow!

6 hours ago, nullgato said:

This is an amazing upgrade, I love the new aesthetic! Also some really cool feature additions. :3

I'd say thanks, but the majority of the cost for upgrading came from members. Makes me very thankful to have such a dedicated, small community.

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