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Hey all,

I saw this on another board and decided to copy the idea. To prevent lots of these threads from popping up about hired / volunteered help, please post your ads for helping / requesting help in the comments below! They can be paid or unpaid, but please specify upfront using a template like the one below.

Also, you must be at least 18 years old for this thread since minors can't legally sign / agree to work contracts.

[b]Type[/b]: Specify if you're "Requesting" or "Offering"
[b]Name[/b]: Your preferred, online alias or name
[b]Contact Info[/b]: How best to contact you
[b]Timezone / Location[/b]: Which timezone you're in for communications
[b]My work[/b]: Examples of your past projects / work
[b]My responsibilities[/b]: How you will contribute to the project
[b]Your responsibilities[/b]: Positions available / how they will contribute
[b]Pay[/b]: If relevant, pay how much you're offering / expecting
[b]Extra info[/b]: Any additional details / benefits you think are relevant


Type: Offering

Name: Spirited

Contact Info: PM

Timezone / Location: Pacific Time

My work: I have work in scalable server projects (https://spirited.io)

My responsibilities: I'll work on the server programming

Your responsibilities: You'll work on the client programming

Pay: Around $40-$120 per job, paid half up front per task

Extra info: Project will be in Golang and not C#

Some additional rules to this thread:

  • Please only post replies if posting a job request / offer. All replies should be in private messages.
  • Please no requests for free code, code mentorships, or coding advice.
  • Please give good descriptions on what you're looking for.
  • Please no double posting (one request per person, per project).
  • Please only use one small image and no excessive font sizes / colors.

And finally, please be nice to one another when responding to offers! Everyone is on a different level with various skills and goals. Best of luck to those posting.


  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Type: Requesting

Name: Zedaf

Contact Info: PM

Timezone / Location: GMT

My requirement
I can code the server stuff myself but I'm not familiar enough with assembly/Olly to be able to do the client side of things efficiently. Having said that, I'd like a client which has been downgraded to a classic level but comes from a patch which is high enough so as to have certain features that I'm interested in, namely:

  • Unlocked FPS
  • VSync
  • Fullscreen
  • More which we can discuss if there's anyone serious (no website popup, no server.dat check, autopatch, and certainly more in future)

My responsibilities: I'll work on the server programming

Your responsibilities: You'll work on the client programming

Pay: This is my first time purchasing something like this so hopefully we can have a discussion around price, how we both feel safe about the trade etc.

Edited by Zedaf

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