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Client: CurseForge Integration


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Summary: Conquer Online has been added to CurseForge!

Current stage: Testing

You can submit new mods on CurseForge through their website. These mods will not appear as mod packs or appear in the CurseForge client at this time (as we have no way to manage the addition and removal of mods). Instead, players will be able to download the mods and install them on their own. This can and will hopefully get better when the tooling for managing mods is complete (no start to this yet). Only client visual / interface mods are supported for now.

Get involved: Please let me know if you have any feedback related to this project or ideas for tooling. Also, reach out if you'd like to test integration.

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  • 2 months later...
I find this amazing! Having a conquer base game into CurseForge is a big improvement. I use CurseForge for minecraft, i find it easy to create my own server with the plugins/mods i want to use. Having a similar thing to conquer would be great. It would be even better if more people got involved into this project and create a free to play conquer community.
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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, Airplist said:

Bro, is this closed already?

It was in testing, but I think the section was cleaned up after it didn't gain much traction. If you want to take on the project, then you can contact a moderator for their website. I don't have the bandwidth right now to do this.

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