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Posted (edited)

Hello :]

I said I was quiting the World of Conquer but here I am again. I am currently working with client 5838 and having no issues at all, my repository will be open at some point in time again, but for now I'm developing it in secret.

I am currently looking forward handling everything as they're meant to be handled and I'm stuck with something. I've been trying to figure out the map type flags. No public sources handle them properly (they have a lot of if and elses checking for map IDs to know which map allows the user to do something), but due to the latest version of `cq_map` that has been released some time ago I've been trying to handle the Map flags from Qualifiers and Events (ElitePK, TeamPK, SkillTeamPK etc).


But this is what I do have so far :(

Anybody has gone any further?

After some research while reverse enginering the Conquer client (MAC 1260 ~ >5388) I've got some new map types :]

0xE8 = byte 0
1	0x1 -> PK Field OK
2	0x2 -> Change Map Disable???
3	0x4 -> Record Disable???
4	0x8 -> PK Disable OK
5	0x10 -> Booth Enable OK
6	0x20 -> Team Disable ???
7	0x40 -> Teleport Disable OK
8	0x80 -> Syn Map OK
0xE9 = byte 1
9	0x100 -> Prison Map OK
10	0x200 -> Wing Disable ???
11	0x400 -> Family Map ???
12	0x800 -> Mine Field
13	0x1000 -> Call newbie disable
14	0x2000 -> Reborn now enable
15	0x4000 -> Newbie protect
16	0x8000
0xEA = byte 2
17	0x10000
18	0x20000
19	0x40000
20	0x80000
21	0x100000
22	0x200000
23	0x400000 -> Double PK Map
24	0x800000
0xEB = byte 3
25	0x1000000
26	0x2000000 -> Race Track Map
27	0x4000000
28	0x8000000 -> Family Arenic Map
29	0x10000000 -> Faction PK Map
30	0x20000000 -> Elite Map
31	0x40000000
32	0x80000000
0xEC = byte 4
33	0x100000000 -> Team PK Arenic Map
34	0x200000000
35	0x400000000
36	0x800000000
37	0x1000000000
38	0x2000000000 -> Team Arena Map
39	0x4000000000 -> Battle Effect Limit Map
40	0x8000000000 ->  Team Pop PK Map
0xED = byte 5
41	0x10000000000 -> No Exp Map
42	0x20000000000 -> Golden League Addition Level Limit (AddLev: 4, Socket: 1, Gem: 1, Peerage: 5, SubPro: 5)
43	0x40000000000
44	0x80000000000
45	0x100000000000 -> Forbid Camp Map
46	0x200000000000 -> Golden League Map
47	0x400000000000 -> Jiang Hu Map
48	0x800000000000
0xEF = byte 6
49	0x1000000000000
50	0x2000000000000
51	0x4000000000000
52	0x8000000000000
53	0x10000000000000
54	0x20000000000000
55	0x40000000000000
56	0x80000000000000
0xF0 = byte 7
57	0x100000000000000
58	0x200000000000000
59	0x400000000000000
60	0x800000000000000
61	0x1000000000000000
62	0x2000000000000000
63	0x4000000000000000
64	0x8000000000000000

I'll keep updating the thread as I get more confirmed types.

Edited by Konichu

These are the flags CptSky has in his source:

       public enum Flags : int
           None = 0x0000,
           PKField = 0x0001,               //No PkPoints, Not Flashing...
           ChangeMap_Disable = 0x0002,     //Unused...
           Record_Disable = 0x0004,        //Do not save this position, save the previous
           PK_Disable = 0x0008,            //Can't Pk
           Booth_Enable = 0x0010,          //Can create booth
           Team_Disable = 0x0020,          //Can't create team
           Teleport_Disable = 0x0040,      //Can't use scroll
           Syn_Map = 0x0080,               //Syndicate Map
           Prison_Map = 0x0100,            //Prison Map
           Wing_Disable = 0x0200,          //Can't fly
           Family = 0x0400,                //Family Map
           MineField = 0x0800,             //Mine Map
           CallNewbie_Disable = 0x1000,    //Unused...
           RebornNow_Enable = 0x2000,      //Blessed reborn
           NewbieProtect = 0x4000,         //Newbie protection


I have those already :/

But no newer source has the new ones.

I don't want to rely on checking map IDs for event related stuff.

  • 4 weeks later...

This is what I got so far. Wish the client had more clues but I still could not find them yet. [Client 5838]

   public enum MapTypeFlag : ulong
       Normal = 0,
       PkField = 0x1,          //0x1 1
       ChangeMapDisable = 0x2, //0x2 2
       RecordDisable = 0x4,    //0x4 4 
       PkDisable = 0x8,        //0x8 8
       BoothEnable = 0x10,     //0x10 16
       TeamDisable = 0x20,     //0x20 32
       TeleportDisable = 0x40, // 0x40 64
       GuildMap = 0x80,        // 0x80 128
       PrisonMap = 0x100,      // 0x100 256
       WingDisable = 0x200,    // 0x200 512
       Family = 0x400,         // 0x400 1024
       MineField = 0x800,      // 0x800 2048
       CallNewbieDisable = 0x1000,        // 0x1000 4098
       RebornNowEnable = 0x2000,    // 0x2000 8196
       NewbieProtect = 0x4000,    // 0x4000 16392
       ArenicMap = 0x200000,
       DoublePkMap = 0x400000,
       RaceTrackMap = 0x2000000,
       FamilyArenicMap = 0x8000000,
       FactionPkMap = 0x10000000,
       EliteMap = 0x20000000,
       TeamPkArenicMap = 0x100000000,
       TeamArenaMap = 0x2000000000,
       BattleEffectLimitMap = 0x4000000000,
       TeamPopPkMap = 0x8000000000,
       NoExpMap = 0x10000000000,
       GoldenLeagueAdditionLevelLimit = 0x20000000000,
       ForbidCampMap = 0x100000000000,
       GoldenLeagueMap = 0x200000000000,
       JiangHuMap = 0x400000000000

Thread may be closed ^^

Nice! Good job finding those. I'll keep this open just in case anyone wants to contribute to the topic, but I'm glad you found closure on this.
  • 1 month later...

I can't believe I made an account just to post this.

I was planing on testing the Unknown flags at some point but I stopped working on the server altogether years ago.

Good luck.

   public enum MapFlagType : long
       None = 0,
       PkField = 1L << 0,
       ChangeMapDisabled = 1L << 1,
       SaveLocationDisabled = 1L << 2,
       PlayerKillDisabled = 1L << 3,
       Vending = 1L << 4,
       TeamDisabled = 1L << 5,
       TeleportDisabled = 1L << 6,
       GuildWarMap = 1L << 7,
       PrisonMap = 1L << 8,
       FlyDisabled = 1L << 9,
       HouseMap = 1L << 10,
       Mining = 1L << 11,
       CallNewbieDisable = 1L << 12,
       RebornNowEnable = 1L << 13,
       NewbieProtect = 1L << 14,
       TrainingDisable = 1L << 15,
       Unknown16 = 1L << 16,
       Unknown17 = 1L << 17,
       RideDisable = 1L << 18,
       Unknown19 = 1L << 19,
       Unknown20 = 1L << 20,
       ArenicMap = 1L << 21,
       DoublePkMap = 1L << 22,
       Unknown23 = 1L << 23,
       Unknown24 = 1L << 24,
       RaceTrackMap = 1L << 25,
       Unknown26 = 1L << 26,
       FamilyArenicMap = 1L << 27,
       FactionPkMap = 1L << 28,
       ElitePkMap = 1L << 29,
       Unknown30 = 1L << 30,
       Unknown31 = 1L << 31,
       TeamPkArenicMap = 1L << 32,
       Unknown33 = 1L << 33,
       Unknown34 = 1L << 34,
       Unknown35 = 1L << 35,
       Unknown36 = 1L << 36,
       TeamArenaMap = 1L << 37,
       Unknown38 = 1L << 38,
       TeamPopPkMap = 1L << 39,
       AutoHangUpDisable = 1L << 40,
       Unknown41 = 1L << 41,
       Unknown42 = 1L << 42,
       Unknown43 = 1L << 43,
       ForbidCampMap = 1L << 44,
       GoldenLeagueMap = 1L << 45,
       JiangHuMap = 1L << 46,
       Unknown47 = 1L << 47,
       Unknown48 = 1L << 48,
       Unknown49 = 1L << 49,
       UseItemDisabled = 1L << 50,
       ReviveDisabled = 1L << 51,
       GarmentDisabled = 1L << 52,
       WeaponPassiveDisabled = 1L << 53,
       StaminaCostDisabled = 1L << 54

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