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Getting bored and annoyed of seeing the same answers and dialogues for all the NPCs. Started giving them random thanking options. I'll probably try adding a little bit of randomization to the dialogues too, but for certain NPCs that people will be constantly talking to. Just wondering why people don't add things like this to their servers. I feel like it gives players a better experience. Got to give life to NPCs, else the world just feels plain and pointless.

Starting by:

	public void AddThanks()
           List<string> myList = new List<string>{
               "Thanks.", "Sounds great.", "Awesome, thank you!", 
               "Will do.", "Great, will do!", "Awesome!" };
           int index = Common.Random.Next(myList.Count);

           var packet = NpcDialogPacket.Create();
           packet.Action = DialogAction.Option;
           packet.Linkback = 255;

    public class NPC_10008 : INpc
       public NPC_10008(Game_Server.Player client)
           : base(client) { }
       public override void Run(Game_Server.Player client, ushort link)
           Responses = new List<NpcDialogPacket>();
           switch (link)
               case 0:
                   AddText("Well, hello there new face. " +
                       "I'm the Pharmacist of this world. " +
                       "You'll see me in many cities and sometimes in the wild collecting herbs and making potions. " +
                       "If you ever need any concoctions, make sure to seek me out.");

This is for the Redux source, but in case you weren't aware... you can add Lists and Dictionaries to your own server to have more varieties.

Well, I think it's mostly about expectations. If you were completing lots of daily quests, for example, you'd wanna see the same dialog options to quickly accept rewards and close dialogs. If you had to re-read options every time, that would get frustrating (or at least would frustrate me). It's a fun idea, though . Maybe it can be applied in another way, like new daily quests / randomized dailies that give extra rewards (in addition to the normal dailies). Have a daily that rotates and has new quests that get added.

Nah, you got it all wrong. It's the same linkback, just with a different string. It makes me feel a lot better looking at different dialogue options rather than "Thanks", "Thanks", "Thanks", "Thanks", "Thanks" when that same option could be "Thanks", "Thank you", "Appreciate it", "Cool", "Great!", etc...

I understand that as humans we're creatures of habit, so I would keep the options placement consistent, just with a different string.


Nah, you got it all wrong. It's the same linkback, just with a different string. It makes me feel a lot better looking at different dialogue options rather than "Thanks", "Thanks", "Thanks", "Thanks", "Thanks" when that same option could be "Thanks", "Thank you", "Appreciate it", "Cool", "Great!", etc...

I understand that as humans we're creatures of habit, so I would keep the options placement consistent, just with a different string.

It's not something I'd particularly enjoy when I'm trying to speed through dialog for a daily quest I've read a few times already. I'm pretty content with non-dynamic responses - it's actually very helpful. Memorization of options is helpful especially in Conquer when a lot of stuff is grindy / repetitive. That's why I think having a dynamic / rotation daily quest or two would be very nice to have. Both in freshness of content and offering different, higher rewards for completion.

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