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Hello, i`m encountring an issue that both teams have the same colour at team and skill pk
however, when i send the elitepk map status it works with 1 red and the rest be blue



they are 2 teams each one has 3 players
there should be 3 red and 3 blue
how to slove it?

Posted (edited)

I was sick with dengue fever and lost 10 days of work, I haven't been looking into Conquer stuff lately. When I finish the stuff I need to deliver I may try to reverse this to you, until then I advise you to keep trying xd

Also, TeamPK maps do not use ElitePK Types.

public enum MapTypeFlag : ulong
    Normal = 0,
    PkField = 0x1,              //0x1 1
    ChangeMapDisable = 0x2,     //0x2 2
    RecordDisable = 0x4,        //0x4 4 
    PkDisable = 0x8,            //0x8 8
    BoothEnable = 0x10,         //0x10 16
    TeamDisable = 0x20,         //0x20 32
    TeleportDisable = 0x40,     // 0x40 64
    GuildMap = 0x80,            // 0x80 128
    PrisonMap = 0x100,          // 0x100 256
    WingDisable = 0x200,        // 0x200 512
    Family = 0x400,             // 0x400 1024
    MineField = 0x800,          // 0x800 2048
    CallNewbieDisable = 0x1000, // 0x1000 4098
    RebornNowEnable = 0x2000,   // 0x2000 8196
    NewbieProtect = 0x4000,     // 0x4000 16392
    InviteTransDisable = 0x10000,
    FamilyBattleField = 0x20000,
    MountDisable = 0x40000,
    NotInviteToFamilyBattle = 0x80000,
    ArenicMap = 0x200000,
    DoublePkMap = 0x400000,
    RaceTrackMap = 0x2000000,
    SynCompeteMap = 0x4000000,
    FamilyArenicMap = 0x8000000,
    FactionPkMap = 0x10000000,
    EliteMap = 0x20000000,
    NoGhostLock = 0x200000000,
    TeamPkArenicMap = 0x100000000,
    TeamArenaMap = 0x2000000000,
    BattleEffectLimitMap = 0x4000000000,
    TeamPopPkMap = 0x8000000000,
    NoExpMap = 0x10000000000,
    GoldenLeagueAdditionLevelLimit = 0x20000000000,
    ForbidCampMap = 0x100000000000,
    GoldenLeagueMap = 0x200000000000,
    JiangHuMap = 0x400000000000


Edited by Konichu
Posted (edited)
On 1/30/2025 at 3:39 PM, Konichu said:

I was sick with dengue fever and lost 10 days of work, I haven't been looking into Conquer stuff lately. When I finish the stuff I need to deliver I may try to reverse this to you, until then I advise you to keep trying xd

Also, TeamPK maps do not use ElitePK Types.

public enum MapTypeFlag : ulong
    Normal = 0,
    PkField = 0x1,              //0x1 1
    ChangeMapDisable = 0x2,     //0x2 2
    RecordDisable = 0x4,        //0x4 4 
    PkDisable = 0x8,            //0x8 8
    BoothEnable = 0x10,         //0x10 16
    TeamDisable = 0x20,         //0x20 32
    TeleportDisable = 0x40,     // 0x40 64
    GuildMap = 0x80,            // 0x80 128
    PrisonMap = 0x100,          // 0x100 256
    WingDisable = 0x200,        // 0x200 512
    Family = 0x400,             // 0x400 1024
    MineField = 0x800,          // 0x800 2048
    CallNewbieDisable = 0x1000, // 0x1000 4098
    RebornNowEnable = 0x2000,   // 0x2000 8196
    NewbieProtect = 0x4000,     // 0x4000 16392
    InviteTransDisable = 0x10000,
    FamilyBattleField = 0x20000,
    MountDisable = 0x40000,
    NotInviteToFamilyBattle = 0x80000,
    ArenicMap = 0x200000,
    DoublePkMap = 0x400000,
    RaceTrackMap = 0x2000000,
    SynCompeteMap = 0x4000000,
    FamilyArenicMap = 0x8000000,
    FactionPkMap = 0x10000000,
    EliteMap = 0x20000000,
    NoGhostLock = 0x200000000,
    TeamPkArenicMap = 0x100000000,
    TeamArenaMap = 0x2000000000,
    BattleEffectLimitMap = 0x4000000000,
    TeamPopPkMap = 0x8000000000,
    NoExpMap = 0x10000000000,
    GoldenLeagueAdditionLevelLimit = 0x20000000000,
    ForbidCampMap = 0x100000000000,
    GoldenLeagueMap = 0x200000000000,
    JiangHuMap = 0x400000000000


sorry to hear that!
i tried it in official conquer it send the client watching packet first
but it sends it twice
1 in
1 out
then map status
but i do not know how to implement it right in the 2D client
i use the right maps you sent and the right mapstatus for sure but still do not know how to display the red ones on one team 😞 waiting for your recovery to reverse it
Take your time to rest, Wishing you a speedy recovery brother.

Edited by abdallahessam118

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