Guide: Server Development Wiki


When developing a private server for Conquer Online, it's important to match a patch's defined packet structures and encryption to maintain client/server interoperability. Our board's development wiki for packet structures is hosted on GitLab, a free and open git repository hosting website. Enjoy, and please contribute.

How to Contribute

All articles are written in Markdown. To make an edit to an article or write a new page, simply clone the Git repository, make your edit, and push the commit. Currently, this requires that you be assigned a Contributor role on GitLab. Hopefully in the future, GitLab will support pull requests for Wiki-style repos. If you're not a contributor on the repo, you can post your change below and I'll update the wiki on your behalf. Thanks for your interest.


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Interested in my work?

If you wanna learn more about me and my projects: visit my portfolio website. There, you can find my free, open-source work and articles about game development. Due to contractual restrictions: I am not available for job requests or volunteer work.

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