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how i can get this packets but the client side not server side i have the server results from sprited wiki

but know i need to got the part of client


how i can get this packets but the client side not server side i have the server results from sprited wiki

but know i need to got the part of client

I'm currently working on the replacement wiki, which I know is taking a while, but I'll be sure to add more documentation about that message. You should be able to do the same thing on the client side. An input XORed twice by the same number results in the original input again.


how i can get this packets but the client side not server side i have the server results from sprited wiki

but know i need to got the part of client

I'm currently working on the replacement wiki, which I know is taking a while, but I'll be sure to add more documentation about that message. You should be able to do the same thing on the client side. An input XORed twice by the same number results in the original input again.

i'm try to make it ! but i don't know whats the problem i got this XOred from Conquer.exe look at the pic if you can <3


it's from my client side not ServerSide.

thanks for your reply <3


i saw your git at morning but my question are the two side same values ? i think the Server Side Send The first msgtick to client and the client recive at and edit the offsets 8 to timestamp right ! then offs 28 i will take the first 2 bytes from name and xored it ? or the client side diff not like server ?

thanks for reply me <3

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